World Environment Day- Be Responsible for Your Actions ( Infographics)

June 5th is observed as World Environment day to spread awareness on the importance of being ecofriendly and socially committed. Even small gestures like switching off lights and technology after use or reusing stuff, avoiding wastage of food etc can all make a phenomenal change in reducing your carbon footprints.


Walking to office or car pooling is something we all can do on a daily basis. Businesses can switch to paperless technology in offices and handout ecofriendly promotional items to highlight their green credentials. For instance, reusable tote bags in place of single use plastic covers  or paper or wheat straws instead of plastic straws- each and every action in this direction will make this planet  better sustainable for future generations.

Here are some startling statistics, which will give points to ponder on this World Environment day

150,000 tons of food is wasted every day in the US!

This colossal wastage can be avoided by purchasing only what is needed and storing food   and leftovers after parties and big fat dinner events!

Did you know that each American uses an average of 88 gallons of water a day at home?

 Save water for future. Installing water-efficient fixtures alone will help to save 20 percent water.

45% of paper printed in offices  gets  trashed by the end of the day!

Going digital will make a smart alternative.  Switch to digital data storage systems for file management to ensure accessibility and safety for the data  while you help saving millions of trees that would have been cut for making  paper.

85 percent of clothes in the closet are never used and end up in landfills in America!

Landfills release greenhouse gases, increase atmospheric temperature and increase the level of pollution. Reduce, reuse and recycle to be responsible for the planet that you live! Businesses can motivate their employees to donate to charity organizations and the less privileged and be part of the humanitarian activities of the community.

Approximately 3-4 pounds of CO2 are saved for every pound of clothing that is spared from disposal.

Share the strategies and work culture changes that you are bringing in to make your organization environment friendly on our facebook and LinkedIn.