Why Old School Giveaways like Custom  Notebooks Stand Out in a Digital World

In the present digital world , old school giveaways may seem dead as Dodo. However considering  the enduring popularity of paper  notebooks, it could be an incorrect assumption. Custom notebooks  may seem like a nostalgic throwback. However, their continued appeal and incredible advantages are something digital devices cannot match.

If you are still on fence, this post will help you to have a clear idea of the benefits of custom notebooks as promotional merchandise.

Tangible brand reminders

The physical nature of paper notebooks ensure a seamless tactile experience that digital devices lack. Writing on paper will engage the senses of the users and enhance the engagement with your brand imprinted on the book.

Memory Retention

Further, studies suggest that writing notes by hand makes it easier to remember and understand facts. The act of writing engages the brain differently than typing, which in turn makes it more effective for learning.

A respite from Digital Fatigue

In a world where digital fatigue is real, paper notebooks indeed offer a welcome break. It will reduce eye strain all the while increasing productivity. Notebooks help in greater focus and concentration and will remove distractions like in the digital devices.

Complete freedom

Nothing comes in between the creativity of the users when paper notebooks are in use. They can write, doodle , draw in any style of their choice and unleash creativity.

Unstructured Thinking

Paper allows  non-linear thinking processes, like mind maps, which are conducive to brainstorming and idea creation.


Paper notebooks are recyclable and ecofriendly. So, it makes a perfect merchandise item that meets your sustainability goals while impressing the consumers. There are even notebooks with reusable pages that can be wiped clean.

Physical Branding

Unlike the fleeting digital ads, a branded notebook serves as a long-lasting physical reminder of a brand’s presence. You can customize it with your brand and message to reflect a company’s brand identity, to add a personal touch and make it  stand out in the digital clutter.

High utility

Paper notebooks have a high practical value. Everyone needs it right from school students to office employees and everyone in between. So, marketers by making custom notebooks their swag can offer something that will never be overlooked. From enhancing memory and creativity to providing a break from screen time, notebooks offer a personal, practical, and sustainable option for everyone.

Notebooks  make a practical gift that can be used for a long time for your employees and clients.  Every time your employees use these branded books, their team spirit will go up manifold, which in turn will make them feel part of the organization.

To sum up

Printed notebooks are a timeless gift that can be used to promote brands,  commemorate special occasions or even thank your team or clients.  In the prevailing  competitive landscape, notebooks stand out not just as tools of tradition, but as effective branding swag sans parallel.