Webcam Covers – Why You Need It!

The internet users have always been rattled by online hacking incidents and spies that intrude into their private world. From Nigerian prince email scams to sextortion scams, malware threats, security scams and much more – the list is truly endless.

Online hackers can watch what people do, steal passwords and spoil their peace of mind forever. Experienced hackers can access a webcam in less than a minute and can even turn off the light which indicates the webcam is on! You cannot ignore the serious malware threats of Remote Access Trojans (RATs) that enable the spies to turn on your webcam remotely.


One of the high profile cases of webcam hacking includes that of Jared James Abrahams, a Computer science student in California. In 2014 he was sentenced to 18 months in federal prison for spying on around 150 women via their webcams including Miss Teen USA, Cassidy Wolf.

Studies show that

  • 1 in 2 Americans are clueless about webcam hacking
  • A staggering 51% of laptop users did not know it was possible for a hacker to remotely access and turn on webcams.
  • Women were more at risk of getting hacked than men. More than 6 in 10 women were unaware of the risk.
  • 62% of users have their webcam-equipped laptop in the living room, 44% users keep it in the bedroom which involves privacy-invasive possibilities.
  • 60%, of laptop users who work in academia, said they were unaware of web camera hacking

Cybercriminals secretly watch and record unsuspecting victims, which is downright creepy. Why would we let ourselves violated when we can keep our privacy safeguarded easily and on a budget?

What does a webcam cover do?

A webcam cover can be placed over the lens of your device to cover the camera. You can easily slide it open or close depending on whether you need to use the webcam or not.

Why do you need one?

A webcam is a great feature for people to catch up with their distant family and friends over Skype or attend video meetings from remote sites. However, since most devices have an in-built front-facing cameras, it is important to keep it covered from the prying eyes of the hackers when not in use.

How to stay safe 

  • Keep the webcam covered – Cover your webcam with webcam covers when you are not using it. This will shut out your private world from the prying eyes of the hackers.
  • Stay well Informed – Learn more about the risks of webcam hacking
  • Stay Alert – Use virus protection software and stay on high alert for any possible hacking threats

Webcam hacking is a real threat which unfortunately most Americans are oblivious of.  Forget about sticky notes and masking tapes for your camera; be smart enough to protect your privacy and cybersecurity with these easy to use webcam covers that can be used with laptops, TVs, PCs and tablets.

Security Webcam Covers

You can choose from a wide selection of custom webcam covers including goofy and fun models that will bring a smile to the faces around.  Businesses can customize these high utility and cost-effective handouts for marketing and promotional use and also to spread awareness about the seriousness of webcam hacking. These will also make great employee gifts, tradeshow swag and back to school handouts. Hurry; stay safe from the hackers the smart way!