Promotional Gift Ideas For January Events And Observances

January brings with it the fun and festivities of New Year alright! But, the month of January also has various other events and awareness events; some of which are listed below for you to plan your promotions.


Walk Your Pet Month: Dog walking is a fun pastime that will benefit both the pet and its master alike. Make dog walking part of the daily exercise regime this January and see how your New year resolution of losing weight gets true and keep your dog healthy. On this occasion, businesses can consider handing out logo items that will encourage their recipients to take their pet on a walk. Some of the items that can be considered include on the go petbowls , Pet Bags Dispenser and a lot more. Browse our exclusive section of pet supplies and it wonā€™t take you much time to find an item that complements your theme and budget.

Custom Imprinted Pet Bags Dispenser

National Blood Donor Month: This January, the American Red Cross celebrates National Blood Donor Month to spread awareness on the importance of lifesaving contribution of blood. The basic objective of this event is to increase blood donation during winter, where blood donation normally drops due to inclement weather conditions. Some of the gift items to consider include Red Blood Cell Shaped Stress Relievers, Droplet Shape Awareness Magnets and more.

Custom Imprinted Red Blood Cell Shaped Stress Relievers

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Cervical cancer can be managed and prevented by regular screening and in the last four decades the cervical cancer death rate has decreased by 50%. Business owners can spread awareness about this disease by handing out appropriate logo items like ribbon shaped awareness magnets. Imprint your brand and highlight your message and social commitment alike.

2.6875x2.25 Customized Ribbon Shape Awareness Full Color Magnets

National Eye Care Month: Start off January by recognizing the importance of eye care all month by spreading awareness or making donations to local charities. Businesses can be part of this awareness event by handing out appropriate promotional items like Plush Gel Beads Hot and Cold Eye Masks or UV friendly sunglasses among others.

Custom Printed Plush Gel Beads Hot and Cold Eye Masks

Jan. 2-6- Thank Your Customers Week: Thanking your customers is an ongoing process. However, January 2-6th is observed as week to thank your customers where you can think about innovative ways to thank your customers and to make them feel well appreciated. Some of the gift items to consider include custom thermos mugs, blankets or jackets among others.

Jan-15-21 is Hunt for happiness week: Staying happy is bliss. However, in this robotic age, most people find it hard to find happiness in their life and that is what makes this week really special. Check out our range of custom fun toys and silly gifts like custom rubber ducks that will bring out the kid in everyone and let them laugh and enjoy.

January has a lot of awareness events where you can put your brand imprint on. Browse our collection of personalized gifts to choose items that complement every event or call us for more tips and trends.

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