Popular Promotional Products That Will Work Great For Brand Promotions

Studies show that as much as 71% of consumers were ready to support a brand if it is linked to a good cause. Charities, community welfare programs and awareness campaigns are all great icebreakers to reach out to your target audience. But choosing appropriate promotional products that will highlight your business message in a positive light will go a long way to enhance the goodwill of your brand.

Promotional products are a great way to share your corporate values with your customers and to generate interest among prospective customers. But, have you wondered what products work great for brand promotions? Eco-Friendly products and Made in USA products are found to be popular in promotional circuits for the underlying cause that these gifts portray.

Eco-Friendly promotional gifts
ProImprint has a range of Eco-friendly items that make perfect options for businesses that strive to reduce environmental waste. Here are some of the popular logo gifts under this category that no marketer can overlook.

Custom cotton tote bags : Reusable and made of the natural fiber of cotton, these totes enjoy a huge fan following and popularity in eco friendly gifts. Reusable totes are perfect handouts during tradeshows, business conferences, community fests, college fairs, job fairs, and many more. Spread your message along with your ecofriendly credentials with these logo gifts.

Custom Printed Cotton Tote Bags

Wooden pens: Personalized wood pens exude a natural beauty and are far more biodegradable than plastic or metal, which makes it a trusted choice for mass events and promotional campaigns. Customers typically will have a high regard for businesses that are committed towards the cause of nature while doing business.

Custom Printed Wooden Bat Pen

Custom Imprinted 16 Oz Party Cups: Now that the football season and tail gating parties are in full swing, there canā€™t be a better eco friendly promotional gift than these BPA/lead free reusable party cups that are easy on your wallets as much as on nature!

Custom Imprinted 16 Oz Party Cups

Made in the USA
These are great items for businesses to promote their logo and highlight the message that they promote local products and services. Made in the USA items are very popular among consumer demographics, which in turn will give a boost to your product promotions.

Books and bookmarks: Hand out these health awareness better books or attractive bookmarks that are made in USA to promote your logo along with your national pride! Everyone will surely love these custom goods and will remember your logo imprinted on these for long.

Promotional Better Books - Diabetes Health: Meal Planner & Recipes

Custom magnets : ProImprint has a range of custom magnets including car magnets, calendar magnets, magnet clips and business card magnets among others. Imprint your logo and message on these US made magnets and spread your nationalist message along with your logo. Cost effective and long lasing., magnets have always been one of the most popular hand outs among budget friendly marketers.

2.6875x2.25 Customized Ribbon Shape Awareness Full Color Magnets

Promotional products that seldom fail are those that promote social causes. So, shop with us at ProImprint for these promo gifts that work great for all types of businesses to make your brand campaign effective

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