Plan Your Holiday Themed Promotions For July

The month of July  has a fair mix of some of the most popular holidays along with some lesser known counterparts.  4th of July may be the star of this month, but your summer promotions can be themed on various other events that are lined up for the month. Here are some funny holidays that you can use to promote your business and engage with customers. We are listing out a few that you will find interesting.

July 20 is Space Exploration Day

Man first stepped on the moon on July 20, 1969. To commemorate this feat, every year, July 20 is observed as space exploration day. Whats more, marketers can even set up a photo booth with a moon landing set at the background for some amazing snapshots. It will always leave the shoppers star struck literally! Likewise, handing out custom giveaways like binoculars is another fun way to inspire them to watch the outdoors more often.

July 24th is Tell an Old Joke Day

Dust off your favorite old jokes and spread laughter among your friends or on social media. It is unquestionably a great way to keep these classic jokes in circulation without being forgotten. Marketers can even use these jokes in their promotions to make sales and get everyone laugh!

July 26th is Aunt and Uncle Day

A great day to celebrate the aunts and uncles in your life, this day will obviously go a long way in fostering family relations and even making the extended family members feel special. In addition, marketers can also offer a special discount for customers who bring their aunts and uncles to your business.

Fourth Saturday of July – National Day of the Cowboy

Recreate the Cowboy experience and capture the imagination of your customers as you get ready for some serious summer sales on this day. You can also organize cowboy themed photo contests to get your customers turn up in their leather hats and riding boots. Besides, you can also offer prizes for the winners or offer special deals to everyone who dress up like a cowboy!

July 30th is Paperback Book Day

Paperback children’s books create a feeling of nostalgia among everyone; and bring alive the childhood fun and bed time stories in full glory. Further it will bring back the love of reading that we have all lost in the onslaught of technical revolution; with these simple books that are gathering dust in our personal collections.


These are just a few of the many funny holidays in July that can inspire your next promotion.  It will indeed give you a fresh spurt of creative ideas to drive up your promotions and social media content. In addition, it will make people aware of these little known events. Lastly, organizing holiday themed promotions are the best way to get your customers engaged with your brand!

Which of these events do you think will complement your branding theme? Share your ideas with us in the comments section below.