Custom Desk Calendars – Year Round Promotions At One Time Investment

Ever fancied to have a promotional swag that will keep your brand front and centre all year round? If yes, there cant be a  better option than custom desk calendars.  Practical and highly visible, these desk accessories will make a great marketing tool.

Why Desk Calendars

Desk calendars are not just another marketing tool. They are special in many aspects. Here are some winning points of desk calendars that you might not have even thought about.

Unmatched Visibility All Year Round

Desk calendars may be ubiquitous. However, they enjoy a constant presence in your client’s daily life.  Many times a day, people glance down the calendars to plan their work schedules, holidays and other engagements. So your brand will catch their eye. As they go about their daily routine, your custom calendar will always be subtly reminding them of your brand. And it’s not just a fleeting moment; your brand gets a whole year of exposure.


In today’s digital world, old school giveaways like planners and calendars will get easy attention . It will help people to get their chores done with least fuss and help in time management. They can jot down their reminders, tasks or even game schedules on the calendar and every time they do so, they will be reminded of your brand. Thus desk calendars are practical and promotional alike. Win- win

Customization is the Key

Calendars  also offer ample customization options. It literally doubles up as your creative canvas where you can project your brand or take your prospects along a story telling experience. Every month offers a new page to showcase your brand identity. The best part is that it is not just about your brand, but you can even add taglines , an interesting call to action message or even your mascot or artwork to make it as special as your brand.  Moreover, calendars are not just dates and days; but  it’s a year-long journey with your brand’s flavor in every page.

Budget friendly

Getting the best value for the promotional dollars is what makes the difference in the world of marketing. While investing in desk calendars you get 365 days of incredible brand exposure that too without any effort from your end. Unlike  the  fleeting ads that eat up your money without producing results , calendars will make an ongoing reminder of your brand. For a whole year, which makes it a prudent investment.

How to Make Your Calendar Stand Out

Make it stand out by choosing an exceptional design that will make eyes pop. Whether it is bright colors, interesting artwork or a clean  layout, make sure that your custom calendars  grab easy attention and will get your prospects take a closer look ! Make sure it complements your brand message to make it emotionally connecting.

Useful Content

Ideally your calendar should include all the useful information that everyone may need. Whether it is local events, sports days, local fests or something more , it should be useful for the recipients. I should not be an ordinary date tracker but a useful resource.  It will make your brand part of their everyday life.

Add a personal touch

Add a  personal touch to make your swag truly special. It can even turn your calendar into a keepsake, not just a tool.

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