Category Archives: Covid-19


New Branding Opportunities In the Post Pandemic World Posted on September 25, 2020

2020 has been an eventful year for the wrong reasons! With businesses shifting operations online, closing temporarily or downsizing, it  has been a challenging period for most organizations. However, it is not as gloomy as it may look. On a closer inspection, we can see many businesses that have registered an increase in trade during […]


Re-opening Your Business – Challenges And Opportunities Posted on August 27, 2020

Organizations are thinking about reopening their businesses and about the challenges of getting back to work. It is also a great time to think about the opportunities that you have in store in the new normal world. From staggered shifts to work from home options, online meeting forums, promotional platforms and more- your new real […]

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Anti Germ Utility Tools – What Is Best For You Posted on August 18, 2020

The pandemic has brought about a radical change in the way we carry out our daily life. Whether it is moving around in work places, shopping in a mall or travelling in public places, the personal safety concerns and mandates are behind this. Apart from hand sanitizers, facemasks and other PPE items, no- touch antigerm […]


Crucial PPE Items That Your Business Needs Now- Must read Posted on August 14, 2020

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and wellness essentials are top on the shopping lists of everyone. Businesses may have to ensure adequate stock of these wellness essentials to keep their team and clients safe as they are on their way to reopen businesses. Personal hygiene and safety is  important as never before in the post pandemic […]


Why It’s Important To Discourage Sharing Of Work Desk Items Among Your Employees Posted on July 28, 2020

Reports show that while direct or face-to-face interaction and the risks of droplet infection is the prevalent way for germs to spread , it is definitely also possible to get it through shared items or fomites. For instance. items like pens, doorknobs , work desks etc can all be sources of infection. The virus can […]

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Helpful Handouts  To Remind Your Prospects That You Care For Them Posted on July 27, 2020

New normal is a word that we hear a lot these days. It is a new reality that people have to accept and adjust to for some  more time. Hopefully, it might not last for a long time as the hope of a vaccine being available in a few months is getting stronger. However even […]

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How  Businesses Can Use Coronavirus Magnets To Enhance Awareness Of The Pandemic Posted on June 12, 2020

As they say, ignorance is a crime! It is especially true when it comes to something deadly as the Covid- 19 pandemic. Being aware is the best and the only way to stay safe from the virus. Not much is yet known about the ways these microbes spread and cause harm; however ensuring personal hygiene […]

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Tips To Ensure Social Distancing at Your Office Posted on June 9, 2020

The Corona virus has changed the conventional business settings, offices and their everyday routines.  Businesses have been adopting various measures to ensure social distancing to cut down the risks of contamination. Though in an office setting, it may be difficult to enforce, you can still practice social distancing the best way possible without putting the team […]


How To Explore New Opportunities In The Post Pandemic Business World Posted on May 29, 2020

Covid-19 has changed the world on its head! However, businesses experts and market watchers feel that there is light at the end of the dark tunnel as the world will have new opportunities that we never thought about before. It is a great time for organizations to explore new opportunities to take their businesses to […]