Best Custom Giveaways to Celebrate the Rugby Season 2021

Major League Rugby (MLR) 2021 season schedule will begin on March 20, 2021. MLR will feature 13 teams competing throughout North America over 18 weeks and the playoffs will culminate with the Championship Final to be held on August 1.


 It indeed a great time to cheer on your favorite team  while for marketers there cant be a better way to get into the game than these classic crowd merchandise! A few of our personal favorites include custom noise makers like maracas, hand clappers and cow bells that make noise when banged together to ensure your team can hear you cheer. Brand these logo items in full color to ensure maximum impact. You can even think of Pantone color matching to keep up  with your team or company colors.

Mega Hand Clappers

Team bracelets: Little quieter than the noise makers but these can get your message across just as well. The large branding area is perfect for your logo or mascot. Choose from a range of colors to match your team colors.

Imprinted Silicone Wristbands

Need something slightly more subtle? We offer football shaped merchandise like Keychains or stress balls for those who want to show their support a little bit different. Customize it with your logo as a giveaway or sell to support your favorite team!

Football Stress Relievers

Foam cheering mitts : Get your team on the ground pumped up with these foam cheering mitts imprinted with your brand and   team anthem. As the scores of fans and supporters of the team raise their hands up in these cheering foam mitts, the stadium will rupture in ecstasy and your team will be motivated to put up a winning game.

Custom Imprinted #1 Economy Foam Cheering Mitts

One of our other favorites include can coolers. Budget friendly and colorful, these will keep the beverages chilled while displaying your logo to the outside world big and bold. Well retained reusable and above all easy to distribute, these can even double up as excellent fund raisers for your team once branded.

Alternatively you can consider custom T shirts. These are reusable and great value for money items that your audience will surely love. Get your logo and mascot imprinted on these logo apparels to make it stand out in the stands and make the rival team go weak at their knees! Your recipients will indeed be excited to wear this trendy t shirt for a long time even after the season and may keep it as souvenirs as well.

Hanes® ComfortSoft® Men's Cotton T-Shirts

Which of these products do you think will fit your marketing plan this rugby season? Share your thoughts on our instagram page to get featured