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Personalized Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration
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Model #: PI30136

Personalized Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration will help military families to enjoy stress-free and happy family life post-military careers. We do understand that most troops love coming back to their families, but they often lead stressed and depressed lives. These 36 page full color custom books and booklets feature tips and preventions of symptoms, how to lead a normal family life, how to enter into new jobs, etc. In short, these promotional self help books will guide military personnel on leading happy lives and pave way for their assimilation into society and community. Order today to get started with these promotional Better Books and other promotional giveaways. Request a quote to know what you may save on bulk orders of these custom printed Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration.

Personalized Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration

as low as: $1.31 (for 10000+ Qty)
Quantities/Price Each - Imprinted
300 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499
2500 - 4999
5000 - 9999
10000 +
Quantities/Price Each - Blank
300 - 999
1000 - 2499
2500 +
or Call 1-844-776-4677 For Personal Assistance.
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Unit Price: $1.57
Imprint Method Setup: $39.99
NewTotal Price: $510.99 In stock
Art Requirements

Personalized Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration will help military families to enjoy stress-free and happy family life post-military careers. We do understand that most troops love coming back to their families, but they often lead stressed and depressed lives. These 36 page full color custom books and booklets feature tips and preventions of symptoms, how to lead a normal family life, how to enter into new jobs, etc. In short, these promotional self help books will guide military personnel on leading happy lives and pave way for their assimilation into society and community. Order today to get started with these promotional Better Books and other promotional giveaways.

Request a quote to know what you may save on bulk orders of these custom printed Better Books - Family and Job Reintegration.

Product Size: 3-3/4" x 6"
Imprint Area: 2-1/4" x 1-1/8"
Carton Weight: 30 lbs
Packaging: 400
Material: Paper
Made In: USA
Production Time: 5-7 working days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected.

We expect customers to send us artwork files in editable formats (.EPS, .PSD, .AI, .PDF, etc) with all fonts converted into curves/outlines.
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