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Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm Keychain
Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm Keychain
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Model #: PI262192

Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm KeychainHand Sanitizer offer a lot more than basic PPE items. It includes 62% ethyl alcohol hand sanitizer, lip balm that contains beeswax and Vitamin E, 3 ply poly cotton face masks and 70% Sterile Wipes; ideal handouts for clients , employees and customers; your logo and message imprinted on these tube shaped PPE kit will get all eyes on it. Order these custom personal care products right away to get free design, free online proofs and fastest turnaround offers. Request a quote to know price cuts that you can avail for Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm Keychain.

Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm Keychain

as low as: $11.24 (for 150+ Qty)
Quantities/Price Each - Imprinted
25 - 49
50 - 74
75 - 99
100 - 149
150 +
Quantities/Price Each - Blank
25 - 49
50 - 99
100 +
Call 1-844-776-4677 For Personal Assistance.
*Storage Tube:

*Lip Balm:

*Lip Balm Color:

*Face Mask:


Tube Imprint:
Mask Imprint:
Enter Quantity:
Unit Price: $12.73
Tube Imprint Setup: $59.99
Mask Imprint Setup: $59.99
NewTotal Price: $378.24 In stock
Art Requirements

Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm KeychainHand Sanitizer offer a lot more than basic PPE items. It includes 62% ethyl alcohol hand sanitizer, lip balm that contains beeswax and Vitamin E, 3 ply poly cotton face masks and 70% Sterile Wipes; ideal handouts for clients , employees and customers; your logo and message imprinted on these tube shaped PPE kit will get all eyes on it. Order these custom personal care products right away to get free design, free online proofs and fastest turnaround offers.

Request a quote to know price cuts that you can avail for Customized Key Comfort PPE Kit with Lip Balm Keychain.

Available Colors: Lip Balms: Rose Gold, Pink, Silver, Turquoise
Product Size: Tube: 7H x 2D
Imprint Area: 1.5W x 4.5H or 5.5W x 4.5H - wrap on tube, 6.9W x 5.12H - front on mask (Optional)
Imprint Method: Sublimation
Box Weight: 38 lbs
Packaging: 25 pcs
Material: Tube - Plastic, Mask - Poly outer layer, 2 Cotton jersey inner layers
Additional Information: Hand Sanitizer: 62% ethyl alcohol, Lip Balm: contains beeswax and Vitamin E, Sterile Wipes: 70% alcohol sterile pad
Production Time: 5-7 Business Days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected.

We expect customers to send us artwork files in editable formats (.EPS, .PSD, .AI, .PDF, etc) with all fonts converted into curves/outlines.
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