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Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens
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Model #: PI351818

Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens are super custom printed corporate gifts for banks, law firms and credit unions to maintain a good brand image among their clients and customers. The bottom barrel of these custom metal pens is emblazoned with an intricate diamond etched pattern. The visual impact generated by this feature is huge, whereas the shiny chrome upper barrel is having a 0.25" H x 1.25" W imprint space that shows off your brand logo well. Premium black ink cartridge and 2-piece premium gift box are other highlights. Order these products now to gain free online proofs and free professional design services. Request a quote to know what you can save on ordering these Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens in bulk.

Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens

as low as: $10.18 $7.60 (for 450+ Qty)
Quantities/Price Each - Imprinted
Regular Price
Special Price
60 - 149
150 - 299
300 - 449
450 - 599
600 - 999
1000 +
Quantities/Price Each - Blank
Regular Price
Special Price
1 - 59
60 - 299
300 - 449
450 +
or Call 1-844-776-4677 For Personal Assistance.
*Product Color:

*Ink Color:

Imprint Method:
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Unit Price: $7.95
Imprint Method Setup: $34.99
NewTotal Price: $511.99 In stock
Art Requirements

Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens are super custom printed corporate gifts for banks, law firms and credit unions to maintain a good brand image among their clients and customers. The bottom barrel of these custom metal pens is emblazoned with an intricate diamond etched pattern. The visual impact generated by this feature is huge, whereas the shiny chrome upper barrel is having a 0.25" H x 1.25" W imprint space that shows off your brand logo well. Premium black ink cartridge and 2-piece premium gift box are other highlights. Order these products now to gain free online proofs and free professional design services.

Request a quote to know what you can save on ordering these Custom Printed Luxe Renegade Roller Ball Pens in bulk.

Available Color: Black
Product Size: 5.5" H
Imprint Area: 0.25" H x 1.25" W
Imprint Method: Color Print/ Laser
Carton Weight: 29.04 lbs
Packaging: 400 Pieces
Material: Brass
Production Time: 5-7 Working Days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected.

We expect customers to send us artwork files in editable formats (.EPS, .PSD, .AI, .PDF, etc) with all fonts converted into curves/outlines.
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