1-844-776-4677Call toll free
7.5x7.375 Inch Customized Paw Print Shaped Hand Fans
7.5x7.375 Inch Customized Paw Print Shaped Hand Fans
No Payment Required Til Artwork Approval
Full Color Processing
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Free Unlimited Proof
Model #: PI21278

7.5x7.375 Inch Customized paw print shaped hand fans will practically make your customers and supporters jump with excitement. These promotional hand fans are ideal for spreading awareness about animal shelters, pet shops, veterinarians and stopping cruelty against animals. Whether you want to remind kids about behaving kindly with pets or advertising your latest puppy food, your customers will offer unwavering support by waving these promotional hand fans. These custom printed hand fans are ideal for promoting any sports team with animal mascot. Order yours today! All our promotional gifts are backed with low price guarantee and free digital design assistance. Request a quote to know discounts that you can avail on bulk ordering these 7.5x7.375 inch personalized paw print shaped hand fans.

7.5x7.375 Inch Customized Paw Print Shaped Hand Fans

as low as: $0.62 (for 10000+ Qty)
Quantities/Price Each - Imprinted
100 - 249
250 - 499
500 - 999
1000 - 2499
2500 - 4999
5000 - 9999
10000 +
Quantities/Price Each - Blank
0 +
Call 1-844-776-4677 For Personal Assistance.
Imprint Method:
Enter Quantity:
Unit Price: $1.70
Imprint Method Setup: $0.00
NewTotal Price: $170.00 In stock
Art Requirements

7.5x7.375 Inch Customized paw print shaped hand fans will practically make your customers and supporters jump with excitement. These promotional hand fans are ideal for spreading awareness about animal shelters, pet shops, veterinarians and stopping cruelty against animals. Whether you want to remind kids about behaving kindly with pets or advertising your latest puppy food, your customers will offer unwavering support by waving these promotional hand fans. These custom printed hand fans are ideal for promoting any sports team with animal mascot. Order yours today! All our promotional gifts are backed with low price guarantee and free digital design assistance.

Request a quote to know discounts that you can avail on bulk ordering these 7.5x7.375 inch personalized paw print shaped hand fans.

Product Size: 7.5 in. x 7.375 in
Product Weight: 7 lbs
Packaging: 100 Pieces
Production Time: 6 Working Days
Delivery time is based on the shipping method selected.

We expect customers to send us artwork files in editable formats (.EPS, .PSD, .AI, .PDF, etc) with all fonts converted into curves/outlines.
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